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PIN-UP.TECH developers are changing the approach to fighting fraud using

In the world of technology, problems are solved through innovation. PIN-UP.TECH prefers not to wait for an external solution, but to accept the challenge and create unique tools on its own. We talked about the original development of PIN-UP.TECH, which has no alternatives in the world, in the blog of BulldogJob European recruiting portal.

In this article, Volodymyr Todurov, Chief Analytics Officer PIN-UP.TECH, as well as other experts from his team shared how they created their own anti-fraud tool, and how exactly this product differs from those on the market.

“Why have we developed our own anti-fraud product? There are absolutely no alternatives with similar capabilities 😊 Our anti-fraud tools implement ideas that are not yet on the market”, — Volodymyr Todurov, Chief Analytics Officer.

You can read the full article on the BulldogJob blog.

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